Schools and After-SchoolLifeNotes Edutainment offers residencies of different lengths of up to an 18-week series - a complete semester - to elementary schools for first to fourth grade classes. The minimum series offered is a 5-week residency. The lessons for each song and subject are in two parts of 50 minutes to 1 hour each:
Regional training is available for teachers wishing to conduct the course themselves. General requirements for teachers will be the ability to sing and teach the song lyrics. For schools that may not have a teacher available to conduct the classes, and outside instructor can be provided.
Below is a list of the lesson topics for the complete course. |
The contents of a sample lesson for anti-bullying are
available by clicking the links below:
Lesson Name | Subject Matter | Song Sample |
A. Safety | ||
Stand Up for Safety | Overview of Safety Awareness | |
I Don't Know You | Stranger Awareness | |
Safety 1st Buckle Up | Seatbelt Safety | |
Turn It On | Electrical Safety | |
Drop, Cover and Hold On | Earthquake Safety | |
Summertime’s Here | Summer Safety | |
It’s Halloween Time | Halloween Safety | |
B. Character-Building | ||
What is a Hero? | You Can Be A Hero | |
Sticks and Stones | Bullying/Cyber-Bullying | |
Give Respect | Respecting Each Other | |
Character Is What You Do | Building Character | |
Come Together – Unity | Welcoming Diversity | |
Listen to You | Self-Awareness | |
C. Life-Skills | ||
We Can Make a Difference | Recycling | |
Burgers, Shakes and Fries | Healthy Eating | |
Time for School | Knowledge is Power | |
Get Up Get Active | The Importance of Exercise | |
Have a Plan | Fire Safety | |
911 Emergency | Calling 911 |